ACS WA Conference 2018
1 June | Pan Pacific Hotel Perth

Program Agenda

1 June 2018

Registration for Masterclasses
Part One
Puzzle Out SFIA Masterclass
Presented by Louise Smith, ACS Director Workforce Development & Planning
Louise Smith
ACS Director Workforce Development & Planning

Louise Smith
ACS Director Workforce Development & Planning


Staff retention and staff development are vital to the success of ICT organisations – especially in the current environment of rapid technological change. Assuring the pipeline of future ICT human capital is critical, and there are clear indicators pointing to future skills needs capability. Skills Framework for the Information Age (SFIA) affords a broad range of business benefits achieved through the use off a consistent definition of professional ICT skills.


Machine Learning - The Next Big Thing in Big Data
Presented by Dudley Over, SPLUNK
Dudley Over
Senior Sales Engineer

Dudley Over
Senior Sales Engineer


Machine learning has the potential to radically transform our daily lives. Whether you are trying to predict how likely someone is to purchase a product, or determine when a cellular network will go down, machine learning can deliver predictive analytics based on the patterns seen in machine data. This masterclass will:

Introduce you to the Splunk machine data platform;z
Introduce you to basic searching, creating reports and dashboards;
Introduce the Machine Learning Toolkit;
Walk you through a number of examples and use-cases based on some sample data sets


DDLS Masterclass - Art Vs Science
Presented by Sue Webb, DDLS Australia
Sue Webb

Principal Practitioner, Business Analysis
DDLS Australia


Sue Webb

Principal Practitioner, Business Analysis
DDLS Australia



Data Science has been called the sexy profession by Harvard Business Review, and is one of the fastest growing, most sought after professions.  Data Science is advancing through the rapid adoption of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence (AI) in everything from mobile phones to large Line-of-Business applications.  Business Analysis (BA) on the other hand has seen more modest growth and is often seen as more of an art than a science. Are these two professions so different? Are Business Analysts really going to be pushed out in favour of Data Scientists?



Morning Tea
Part Two
ACS SFIA Masterclass
Presented by Louise Smith, ACS Director Workforce Development & Planning
Louise Smith
ACS Director Workforce Development and Planning

Louise Smith
ACS Director Workforce Development and Planning

Louise is a business capability specialist with over 15+ years experience consulting to individual business and governments on the skill needs within their organisation, undertaking training needs analysis and workforce development strategy development and planning to address current and future skills requirements.

This includes whole of sector approaches through her senior management roles for both HR, vocational education and training sectors and member-based professional associations.

DDLS Masterclass - Art Vs Science
Presented by Sue Webb, DDLS Australia
Sue Webb
Principal Practitioner, Business Analysis
DDLS Australia

Sue Webb
Principal Practitioner, Business Analysis
DDLS Australia


Data Science has been called the sexy profession by Harvard Business Review, and is one of the fastest growing, most sought after professions. Data Science is advancing through the rapid adoption of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence (AI) in everything from mobile phones to large Line-of-Business applications.  Business Analysis (BA) on the other hand has seen more modest growth and is often seen as more of an art than a science. Are these two professions so different? Are Business Analysts really going to be pushed out in favour of Data Scientists?


Machine Learning - The Next Big Thing in Big Data
Presented by Dudley Over, SPLUNK
Dudley Over
Senior Partner Sales Engineer at Splunk

Dudley Over
Senior Partner Sales Engineer at Splunk

Machine learning has the potential to radically transform our daily lives. Whether you are trying to predict how likely someone is to purchase a product, or determine when a cellular network will go down, machine learning can deliver predictive analytics based on the patterns seen in machine data. This masterclass will:

Introduce you to the Splunk machine data platform;z
Introduce you to basic searching, creating reports and dashboards;
Introduce the Machine Learning Toolkit;
Walk you through a number of examples and use-cases based on some sample data sets


Conference Registration and Light Lunch
Opening Address
By Barry Fitzgerald: Chief Executive Officer, Roy Hill Holdings Pty Ltd
Barry Fitzgerald
Chief Executive Officer
Roy Hill Holdings Pty Ltd

Barry Fitzgerald
Chief Executive Officer
Roy Hill Holdings Pty Ltd

Barry joined Hancock Prospecting and the Roy Hill Project in June 2010.  He was appointed Chief Executive Officer when Roy Hill Holdings Pty Ltd was established in May 2012. 

As CEO, Barry has been responsible for securing the world’s largest debt financing package – US$7.2billion – to complete the full funding package required to develop the Roy Hill project. His reputation for driving outcomes with the objective of delivering what is promised is reflected in the delivery of the first shipment of iron ore from Roy Hill on 10 December 2015 – ahead of schedule and on budget – and Practical Completion of the Project in May 2015. 

With a career spanning more than 30 years in the resources and engineering sectors – Barry is a well experienced leader able to meet the challenges associated with running a project like Roy Hill and leading the company as it ramps up operations to the 55Mtpa name plate capacity of the operation. 

Barry was previously CEO of CITIC Pacific Mining and has held various senior management positions with BHP Iron Ore, Henry Walker Eltin and Simon Engineering.   He holds a Bachelor of Engineering (Hons) and a Masters of Engineering Science from the University of WA, and a Graduate Diploma in Business Administration from Curtin University.

Keynote Address
The transformation created by the new Department of Communities
Pat Scally
Interim CIO, Department of Communities

Pat Scally
Interim CIO, Department of Communities


Machinery of Government Transformation – merging 7 agencies into one.

Under the Machinery of Government, changes to a number of public sector agencies were announced with the intention of creating a more efficient public sector. The combination of a number of significant government agencies in developing the Department of Communities presented profound implications for IT functions within the constituent agencies.

Join us on a journey explaining how the Department found opportunities to help reform the measurement of service delivery and outcomes, through key people who would help inform and actuate this process. Moving from silos of information to integrated systems, the Department of Communities is now able to create new service delivery models. These models are now being used in the regions and the transformation process is able to provide support to Integrated Service Delivery Models across the organisation. This transformation will be brought to light showing what is possible with the new efficiencies of the Department of Communities. CIO Scaly will address the new technologies being used, the challenges faced, and the key drivers that allowed the change.

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning is Scary | Voted Speaker Stream
Presented by ACS WA Vice-chair, George Coldham
George Coldham
ACS WA Vice-chair

George Coldham
ACS WA Vice-chair


Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning is scary.  Consider the smartest person you know. Imagine they didn’t sleep, have any emotions to sway their judgement, didn’t get bored, and could duplicate themselves to learn faster again.  

Machine Learning has the ability to make determinations that seem impossible to humans, with a high level of accuracy.  The thought of being profiled makes us uncomfortable, especially when it can determine deep hidden secrets. Do we want to be profiled by our sexual preference, state of health, or daily routines?

Are we ready for the day when AI and Machine Learning supplement our daily activities, a personal concierge who books our uber before we know we want it, or orders a meal from the local store just as we are thinking of lunch.

How can Business help encourage the startup innovation market in Perth | Innovation Stream
Presented by Charlie Gunningham, Commercialisation Adviser Department of Industry, Innovation & Science
Charlie Gunningham
Commercialisation Adviser Department of Industry, Innovation & Science

Charlie Gunningham
Commercialisation Adviser Department of Industry, Innovation & Science


What is the state of the early stage tech and innovation sector in Perth, and why is it important? What components make up the sector, what are its barriers to success, how well funded is it, who are its supporters, who are the emerging tech companies, and what do they need now and into the future? Why and how can businesses help encourage the sector?

Startup advocate Charlie Gunningham has had 20 years experience in the sector, having co-founded his own tech startup here, leading it to a trade sale, before going on to become an active mentor, adviser and writer about the local startup scene.

How to de-risk ANY digital transformation | ACS Stream
Presented by Marcel Wilson, Managing Director at Human Sparks
Marcel Wilson
Managing Director
Human Sparks

Marcel Wilson
Managing Director
Human Sparks


Research shows that digital transformations are inherently risky! In 2018, approximately 84% of digital transformations are expected to fail. Will yours be one of them? ICT professionals in all disciplines should ask themselves, "what can I do to de-risk my company's transformations"?

Register here.

Data science as an enabler of cutting edge research | Data Science Stream
Presented by Professor Andrew Rohl, Director at Curtin Institute for Computation
Professor Andrew Rohl FACS
Director, Curtin Institute for Computation

Professor Andrew Rohl FACS
Director, Curtin Institute for Computation


Data science is increasingly seen as an essential tool for all research, regardless of discipline. Furthermore, many problems require multidisciplinary teams that provide a combination of strong computing, statistical and domain expertise. At Curtin, we have formed the Curtin Institute for Computation (CIC) that brings all of our expertise in simulation, modelling, data analytics and visualisation under a single umbrella.

The institute currently employs eight data scientists/computational specialists that work directly with researchers to further their digital transformation. In this session we will look at some of the projects that are transforming the way research is done.

Neurodiversity in Education and Employment | ACS Stream
Presented by Jim Ellis, Chair of AASQA Advisory Board and Tele Tan, Director of AASQA
Tele Tan
Professor Tele Tan
B.Eng, PhD, Director of AASQA

Tele Tan
Professor Tele Tan
B.Eng, PhD, Director of AASQA


The Autism Academy for Software Quality Assurance (AASQA) is an Australian social innovation initiative with the vision of harnessing the special talents of people with autism for the collective benefit of those with autism, industry and the wider community. The mission of the AASQA is to enable individuals with autism to leverage their unique talents through training, educating and mentoring programs, so as to create pathways to valued, long-term employment; whilst addressing the business needs of the Australian ICT industry facing challenges in attracting and retaining IT staff within the sector. The AASQA provides high-level expertise and services in assessment, training, education and work placements for individuals with autism to meet the industry talent needs.

Jim Elllis
Chair of AASQA Advisory Board

Jim Elllis
Chair of AASQA Advisory Board


The Autism Academy for Software Quality Assurance (AASQA) is an Australian social innovation initiative with the vision of harnessing the special talents of people with autism for the collective benefit of those with autism, industry and the wider community. The mission of the AASQA is to enable individuals with autism to leverage their unique talents through training, educating and mentoring programs, so as to create pathways to valued, long-term employment; whilst addressing the business needs of the Australian ICT industry facing challenges in attracting and retaining IT staff within the sector. The AASQA provides high-level expertise and services in assessment, training, education and work placements for individuals with autism to meet the industry talent needs.

Mining meaning from documents and workflows using AI | Voted Speaker Stream
Presented by Jeff Andersen, Director, Office Information Australia
Jeff Andersen
Director, Office Information Australia

Jeff Andersen
Director, Office Information Australia


First, looking at the origin of documents - While the majority of user’s interaction is still with directories or folders, AI can now intercede on the user’s behalf;  for example instead of asking users to set up their own folders, Policy and context can create structure for them. Byproducts include less arbitrary  filing structures and the dynamic application of metadata to assist with filing away documents. Using an AI engine, users can interact with a smart shell without having to directly access the store at all.

Second, we will look at how AI can liberate data from an existing store - AI can feed back information about usage, unusual behavior (departing employees?), work ethics and work-rates, and possible security breaches; sounds a bit ‘big brother’ but tools are available now which help the user mine for useful data (needle in a haystack?), find relevant knowledge or identify experts; social graphing means connecting data to people and people to data and identifying types of relationships.

Third, the presentation looks at how we can secure our data using AI and machine learning; this includes detection of cyber enemies, predictions of data loss and behavioral modelling.

Be a startup explorer before becoming a founder! | Innovation Stream
Presented by Dr Ashley Aitken, Principal at Innovately and CEO and Co-Founder at HEDventures
Dr Ashley Aitken
Principal at Innovately and CEO and Co-Founder at HEDventures 

Dr Ashley Aitken
Principal at Innovately and CEO and Co-Founder at HEDventures 


This presentation will review how Lean Startup represents a radical new approach to doing startups.  How it recommends searching for a repeatable, scalable and viable business model rather than executing like an established business.

Within this approach the presentation will suggest that people shouldn’t say they are “doing a startup” or “starting a business” they should say they are "searching for a business."  They are explorers searching rather than starters building.

This is similar to the way the resources sector does exploration before building infrastructure for a mining site and executing on production.  This also insulates the explorer from any failure when they don’t find a viable business right away.  

We don’t expect to find something immediately (or perhaps ever) when we are searching.  Failure is an accepted outcome.  Only if / when one finds and validates a viable startup business model do we become a “founder” and start the business.  

Afternoon Tea
How will WA meet the demand? | Data Science Stream
What can we do to understand where the critical gaps will appear and how should we address this?
Erica Smyth
Non-Executive Director and Chairman at National Energy Resources Australia

Erica Smyth
Non-Executive Director and Chairman at National Energy Resources Australia


It is obvious demand for skilled data scientists, analysts and interpreters is already outstripping supply. Looking forward the gap will widen before balance returns to the skills market. What can we do to understand where the critical gaps will appear and how should we address this when the pace of change makes it difficult to predict future trends. Universities, TAFEs, online educators, in-house courses and on the job training all have a role to play but the balance of short, medium and long term offerings will need to be more fit for purpose.

Autonomous Vehicles Panel | ACS Stream
The industry expectation is that by 2030, these cars will be mainstream, so how will they impact our lives?
Matthew O'Leary
Senior Associate at Herbert Smith Freehills

Matthew O'Leary
Senior Associate at Herbert Smith Freehills


Panellists will discuss the social, ethical and legal impacts of the introduction of automated passenger vehicles in Australia. In 2016 the RAC (WA) together with the Government of Western Australia imported a small automated bus, which operates in South Perth. There were legal issues which had to be overcome, and these are still under revision by governments within Australia. In 2017, Curtin University imported another bus, and recently French manufacturer NAVYA decided on Perth as one of the three cities in the world where they will trial up to five automated cars from late this year.

The industry expectation is that by 2030, these cars will be mainstream, so how will they impact our lives? For better or worse?

Anna Sawyer
Road Safety & Member Manager

Anna Sawyer
Road Safety & Member Manager


Panellists will discuss the social, ethical and legal impacts of the introduction of automated passenger vehicles in Australia. In 2016 the RAC (WA) together with the Government of Western Australia imported a small automated bus, which operates in South Perth. There were legal issues which had to be overcome, and these are still under revision by governments within Australia. In 2017, Curtin University imported another bus, and recently French manufacturer NAVYA decided on Perth as one of the three cities in the world where they will trial up to five automated cars from late this year.

The industry expectation is that by 2030, these cars will be mainstream, so how will they impact our lives? For better or worse?

Thomas Bräunl
Professor at The University of Western Australia.

Thomas Bräunl
Professor at The University of Western Australia.


Panellists will discuss the social, ethical and legal impacts of the introduction of automated passenger vehicles in Australia. In 2016 the RAC (WA) together with the Government of Western Australia imported a small automated bus, which operates in South Perth. There were legal issues which had to be overcome, and these are still under revision by governments within Australia. In 2017, Curtin University imported another bus, and recently French manufacturer NAVYA decided on Perth as one of the three cities in the world where they will trial up to five automated cars from late this year.

The industry expectation is that by 2030, these cars will be mainstream, so how will they impact our lives? For better or worse?

Advanced Recognition Systems: Going Beyond Biometrics | Voted Speaker Streams
Presented by Marcus Ashby, NEC WA Sales Manager.
Marcus Ashby
Sales Manager

Marcus Ashby
Sales Manager


The disruptive trends of Biometrics and AI led to the emergence of millions of digital natives who demand cutting-edge technology and innovative services with pervasive connectivity anytime, anywhere. Against this backdrop, Advanced Recognition Systems are becoming increasingly widespread with the growing implementation of biometric security in a number of sectors, particularly in banking, retail, law enforcement, border control and medical.

NEC Australia is investing substantially in technological innovations to safeguard against integrated cyber-physical attacks using the industry-leading three-pronged approach (People, Places and Patterns). NEC’s Advanced Recognition Systems apply some of the most cutting-edge technologies in the world. NEC has carried out large-scale deployments in border automation, e-passports, law enforcement identification, crowd control, and citizen surveillance in a growing number of Asia-Pacific countries.

Working Towards Delivering Cohesive Integrated Digital Healthcare throughout WA | HISA Stream
presented by HISA.
Dr Louise Schaper
Chief Executive Officer, Health Informatics Society of Australia (HISA): Australia’s Digital Health Community.

Dr Louise Schaper
Chief Executive Officer, Health Informatics Society of Australia (HISA): Australia’s Digital Health Community.


Working Towards Delivering Cohesive Integrated Digital Healthcare throughout WA presented by HISA (Health Informatics Society of Australia).

The 90 minute stream will comprise three 20 minute presentations, which will link together to give delegates a realistic and current overview of ‘digital transformation’ imperative for the Australian healthcare sector and how the opportunities and challenges require whole new ways of thinking, along with new skills and expertise form the professional services sectors.

These will be followed by a 30 minute ‘questions and answers’ session with a panel comprising the three presenters, co-ordinated by the session chair. Three high calibre speakers will give their respective perspectives on how their roles and current work is actively contributing towards the digital transformation of the Australian healthcare sector.

Register here.

Dr Felicity Hodder
IT Clinical and Operational Commissioning Lead for Perth Children’s Hospital.

Dr Felicity Hodder
IT Clinical and Operational Commissioning Lead for Perth Children’s Hospital.


Working Towards Delivering Cohesive Integrated Digital Healthcare throughout WA presented by HISA (Health Informatics Society of Australia).

The 90 minute stream will comprise three 20 minute presentations, which will link together to give delegates a realistic and current overview of ‘digital transformation’ imperative for the Australian healthcare sector and how the opportunities and challenges require whole new ways of thinking, along with new skills and expertise form the professional services sectors.

These will be followed by a 30 minute ‘questions and answers’ session with a panel comprising the three presenters, co-ordinated by the session chair. Three high calibre speakers will give their respective perspectives on how their roles and current work is actively contributing towards the digital transformation of the Australian healthcare sector.

Register here.

Joshua Sacks
South Metropolitan Health Services Telehealth Coordinator

Joshua Sacks
South Metropolitan Health Services Telehealth Coordinator


Working Towards Delivering Cohesive Integrated Digital Healthcare throughout WA presented by HISA (Health Informatics Society of Australia).

The 90 minute stream will comprise three 20 minute presentations, which will link together to give delegates a realistic and current overview of ‘digital transformation’ imperative for the Australian healthcare sector and how the opportunities and challenges require whole new ways of thinking, along with new skills and expertise form the professional services sectors.

These will be followed by a 30 minute ‘questions and answers’ session with a panel comprising the three presenters, co-ordinated by the session chair. Three high calibre speakers will give their respective perspectives on how their roles and current work is actively contributing towards the digital transformation of the Australian healthcare sector.

Register here.

Business Software Challenge | Voted Speaker Stream
Presented by Colin Atkinson, BSc, CA, MACS, IT Specialist, Institute of Chartered Accountants.
Colin Atkinson
BSc, CA, MACS, IT Specialist
Institute of Chartered Accountants

Colin Atkinson
BSc, CA, MACS, IT Specialist
Institute of Chartered Accountants


Take this opportunity to have an impartial expert run through some of the accounting applications on the market and help you investigate what would be the best fit for your practice or business. Review the improvements that could be made to streamline the accounting process. Specific applications that will be examined include Xero, MYOB, QuickBooks and Cloud based accounting solutions.

How Woodside is building a data driven culture through connecting people, data and insights
Data Science Stream | Shelley Kalms, Chief Digital Officer, Woodside Energy
Shelley Kalms
Chief Digital Officer

Shelley Kalms
Chief Digital Officer


Dating back to the 1950’s Woodside drilled world record depths in offshore southern Australia.  Today we’re pioneering remote support and the application of cognitive computing, predicative analytics in our operations. Through the building of the data driven culture Woodside is enabling their people: By working with analytics and cognitive computing to connect people, data and insights to unlock the organisation’s collective intelligence, past and present.  

Collaboration internally with the business and externally through Woodside’s future Lab program is key. As Data science has evolved the structure has changed and processes have matured to ensure the small but effective team remain agile, enabled and empowered. Join the session to hear about how Woodside' Digital function interacts with the business and continues to drive innovation.

Blockchain Discussion | ACS Stream
We ask how this innovative technology may provide for improved socio-economic certainty and prosperity?
Nesh Sooriyan
COO, Founder

Nesh Sooriyan
COO, Founder


Bamboo is introducing a fast, easy and safe way to purchase cryptocurrencies. The platform uses approaches like transaction round-ups to make buying cryptocurrency easy without changing your daily routines. 

Users only need a mobile phone and bank account to get started quickly with as little as one dollar. We are making the blockchain ecosystem accessible to all by overcoming existing barriers of entry of complex infrastructure, volatility, lack of knowledge and regulation.

Lessons Learnt from a Cyber-attack | Voted Speaker Stream
Presented by James Cottrill, Principal in charge of IT Audit & Risk Consulting/Internal Audit at Stantons International
James Cottrill
Principal in charge of IT Audit & Risk Consulting/Internal Audit
Stantons International

James Cottrill
Principal in charge of IT Audit & Risk Consulting/Internal Audit
Stantons International


Stantons International is a second tier Chartered Accountant audit firm that not only does financial audits but also performs IT audits. Even though the organisation strives to align with recognised security standards such as the AS/NZS ISO 27000 series of standards ensuring reasonable IT security controls it was still hit by a ransomware cyberattack that had an impact.

This presentation will discuss what happened, what we did to recover (including cost recovery) and the new remediation measures implemented to ensure we mitigate against future cyberattacks. After more than one year, we have not had any further incidents. Notwithstanding this, our users still complain about our security measures.

Locknote Address
Sarab Singh
Illuminate Group

Sarab Singh
Illuminate Group


Unconscious Bias in the Workplace

Our brains have evolved to make various shortcuts to make quick decisions, especially when the problems are complex, not all information is not available and when there are risks involved. For the most part, these mental shortcuts or heuristics are helpful, because they allow us to quickly make sense of a complex environment, but there are times when they fail at making a correct assessment of the world which sometimes result in a cognitive bias. Unfortunately, these are under our conscious awareness. We can’t see them or identify them in the moment.

Sarab Singh will take us through a fascinating journey of how our brains work and fail to see the obvious biases. As an expert in Business Leadership and Human Behaviour, Sarab will shed light on how to mitigate our biases in the workplace and avoid making systematic errors.

Specifically, he will focus on how to survive the VUCA (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous) World that we are currently living in.

Conference Close
Dinner Registration and Pre-Dinner Drinks
Conference Gala Dinner 2018 - Dream, Reach & Innovate
Featuring Keynote, Physicist and Comedian, Josh Richards - Becoming Martian
Josh Richards
Keynote, Physicist and Comedian

Josh Richards
Keynote, Physicist and Comedian

Join physicist, comedian and Mars One astronaut candidate Josh Richards on a humorous and informative journey to the red planet inspired by his new book, Becoming Martian. Short-listed as a candidate to Mars One’s 2031 mission to send humans one-way to Mars, Josh blends science, engineering and ethics with comedy to look at how colonising Mars will change humans in body, mind and soul.

How will our bodies adapt to life in 38% gravity? How will having no hope of return to Earth affect the colonist’s minds? How will becoming a dual-planet species forever change how we see ourselves and our place in the universe? Josh will follow his keynote with a Q&A session on all things Mars, and limited numbers of Josh's book will also be available for purchase & signing on the night.

This event will be Hosted by MC, Charlie Gunningham, Commercialisation Adviser; Department of Industry, Innovation & Science.


Dinner Close